
Wednesday, 17 July 2013

General Studies Paper-II
M.P.P.S.C. Mains Exam Syllabus
Part - I General Introduction of Madhya Pradesh
1. Geography
  • General Introduction of Madhya Pradesh, area, topography and structure, physical and geographic areas and climate.
2. Natural Resources of Madhya Pradesh
  • Mineral Wealth. 
  • Forest Wealth and Wild Life.
  • Agriculture and Live stock, Regional distribution of crops, planned development of Agriculture, Green Revolution, Development of Live stock.
  • Water Resources - Development of Irrigation and Irrigation projects.
3. Human Resources
  • Population, Population Density, Urban and Rural population, Literacy and Labours.
4. Energy Resources
  • Questions will attempt to assess the general awareness of candidates about the conventional and non-conventional sources of energy and their uses in human life.
5. Industries
  • Attempt will be made to assess the general awareness of candidates about the types and size of industries and their impact on state economy.
6. Environment
  • Questions will be related to environment and its protection, pollution, natural climates and their impact on quality of human life.
7. Planning and Evaluation
  • Attempt will be to assess the general awareness of candidates about different aspect of five year plans till date, various programmes of urban and rural development, economic planning and its evaluation and status of Madhya Pradesh in the context of Country.
8. Administrative Structure of Madhya Pradesh
  • Questions will be related to general knowledge of candidates about administrative units - Division, District, Tehsil and Development- Blocks; their relationship and administrative structure.
9. Rural and Urban Administrative Structure
  • Questions will be pertaining to the general knowledge of candidate about organization and administrative structure of Pachayati Raj, Municipality and Municipal corporation.
10. Games and Sports
  • Attempt will be made to assess the awareness of candidates related to organization, management and facilities for different games and sports. The questions will also be related to different State awards, and personalities and contribution of Government and non Government agencies.
Part – II Culture, Literature, Music, Dance, Arts & History of Madhya Pradesh
1. Culture
  • The questions will be related to nature, types their salient features and impact on human life.
2. Literature
  • Ancient - Kalidas, Bharthari, Bhavbhuti, Vanabhatta.
  • Medieval - Keshav, Padmakar, Bhushan.
  • Modern - Pandit Makhanlal Chaturvedi, Subhadra Kumari Chauhan, Gajanan Madhav Muktibodh, Balkrishna Sharma "Navin", Bhavani Prasad Mishra, Harishankar Parsai, Sharad Joshi, Mulla Ramoozi, Shiv-Mangal Singh, Suman and Nanddulare Vajpai
  • Folk Literature / Dialects of Madhya Pradesh. Isuri, Singaji..
3. Music & Dance Tradition
  • Music Tradition - Tansen, Ustad Allauddin Khan, Ustad Hafiz Ali Khan, Pandit Krishna Rao, Shankar Pandit, Rajabhaiya Poonchwale, Ustad Amir Khan, Kumar Gandharva, Maharaj Chakradhar Singh Pandit Kartik Ram.
  • Dance tradition - Major styles of folk music, major folk dances.
4. Arts
  • Questions of general nature will be related to characteristics of Rock painting, folk panting, modern painting school and important painters. It will also have questions related to major folk and other theatres.
5. Major Scheduled Tribes
  • It will assess the general awareness of candidates related to names, characteristics, habitats, major fairs and festivals and cultural structure of major scheduled tribes. It will also have questions related to different programmes of State Government for the upliftment of Scheduled Tribes.
6. Programmes of State Government in the field of Culture
  • The questions will attempt to assess general knowledge of the candidate related to literasy academics and institutions. The questions will also be related to different Music and Fine Arts Schools and Cultural festivals. There will be questions awards given by the state for the significant contribution in the filed of literature, music and fine arts.
7. Archaeological Heritage
  • The questions of general knowledge will be related to significance and characteristics of major historical, archaeological and tourist places.
8. Historical perspective of Madhya Pradesh
  • The questions will be related to creation of M.P. & important dynasties and rules of M.P., It will also have questions related to contribution of M.P. in freedom movement.


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