M.P.P.S.C. Mains Examination
Paper- I Syllabus
Agriculture (Code No. 01)
There will be two partsPART I : Compulsory for all the candidates.
PART II: There will be two optional sections (A & B) Candidate will have to answer all the questions from the opted - one section.
PART - 1
1. Elementary Agronomy- Classification of weeds and herbicides.Associated losses due to infestation of weeds. Weed management through cultural, chemical,biological and integrated approach. Tillage and crop production. Water use efficiency in relation to crop production. Criteria for scheduling irrigation. Concepts of multiple cropping, multi-storey, relay and inter-cropping and their importance.
- Orchard planning (Soils,Climate,Nutrition,Training,Pruning,Flowering & fruiting problems & bearing habits), Bonsai. Nursery management & propagation methods.Types of vegetable gardening; Physiological disorders in vegetables & fruits. Principles and methods of preservation of important fruits and vegetables & processing techniques. Landscape, Floriculture including raising of ornamental plants. Design and layout of gardens.
- Chromosome organization & functions- Mitotic & meiotic cell division. Reproduction & fertilization -Mendel's experiments & laws of inheritance. Gene interaction, Linkage and crossing over, Chromosomal aberration. Cytoplasmic inheritance. Qualitative & quantities traits. Nilsson-Ehle's experiment. Structure and replication of genetic material. Gene expression. Central dogma. gene transcription and translation. Genetic code. Operon model. Gene mutation.
- Center of Crop diversity, mode of reproduction, variability in plants,Germsplasm Male sterility and self incompatibility. Heterosis and inbreeding depression, Breeding methods for crop improvement
- Classification & symptoms of plant diseases,Principles of plant disease control including (exclusion,eradication,immunization & protection) Classification of pesticides & formulations. Agents and basic steps of biological control. Integrated diseases and insect pest management. Principle methods of control of stored grain pest and storage pests. Methods of rodent control. Spray equipments, their selection and maintenance. Safety precautionary measures during pesticide usage. Bee keeping (apiculture) and mushroom cultivation. Legal control-plant quarantine and insecticidal act.
- Silvi-culture and agro-forestry,
- Classification of agro-forestry system;
- Waste land and watershed development through agro-forestry
- Absorption and trans location of water and nutrients. Transpiration and water economy . Photosynthesis and respiration. Growth analysis and its importance. Photo - periodism and vernailization. Growth hormones, senescence and post-harvest physiology (seed dormancy, storage physiology and fruit ripening)
- Definition of organic Farming,Components & its role in sustainable Agriculture Bio- fertilizers, production & use;Role of neem Products in crop protection. Role of microorganisms in agriculture
- Dry land agriculture for sustaining agricultural production. Soil and Water management with special reference to dry land agriculture.
Agriculture (Code-01) Part-2
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