- Linear Algebra:Matrix algebra,systems of linear equations, eigen values and eigen vectors. Calculus: Functions of single variable, limit, continuity and differentiability, mean value theorems, evaluation of definite and improper integrals, partial derivatives, total derivative, maxima and minima, gradient,divergence & curl, vector identities, directional derivatives, line, surface and volume integrals. Theorems of Stokes, Gauss and Green.
- Differential Calculus:First order linear & nonlinear equations,higher order linear ODEs with constant coefficients,Cauchy & Euler equations, initial & boundary value problems, Laplace transforms. Partial differential equations and separation of variables methods.
- Numerical methods:Numerical solution of linear & nonlinear algebraic equations, integration by trapezoidal & Simpson rule,single & multi-step methods for differential equations.
- Atmosphere:Properties,standard atmosphere.Classification of aircraft. Airplane (fixed wing aircraft) configuration and various parts.
- Airplane performance:Pressure altitude;equivalent, calibrated, indicated air speeds; Primary flight instruments: Altimeter, ASI, VSI, Turn-bank indicator. Drag polar; take off and landing; steady climb & descent,-absolute and service ceiling; cruise, cruise climb, endurance or loiter;load factor,turning flight,V-n diagram; Winds: head, tail & cross winds.
- Static stability: Angle of attack, sideslip; roll, pitch & yaw controls; longitudinal stick fixed & free stability, horizontal tail position and size; directional stability, vertical tail position and size; dihedral stability.Wing dihedral, sweep & position; hinge moments, stick forces.
- Dynamic stability:Euler angles; Equations of motion;aerodynamic forces and moments, stability & control derivatives; decoupling of longitudinal and lat-directional dynamics; longitudinal modes; lateral-directional modes.
- Central force motion, determination of trajectory and orbital period in simple cases. Orbit transfer, in-plane and out-of-plane. Elements of rocket motor performance.
- Basic Fluid Mechanics:Incompressible irrotational flow, Helmholtz and Kelvin theorem, singularities and superposition, viscous flows,boundary layer on a flat plate.
- Airfoils & wings:Classification of airfoils,aerodynamic characteristics,high lift devices, Kutta Joukowski theorem;lift generation;thin airfoil theory;wing theory; induced drag; qualitative treatment of low aspect ratio wings.
- Viscous Flows:Flow separation,introduction to turbulence,transition, structure of a turbulent boundary layer.
- Compressible Flows:Dynamics & Thermodynamics of I-D flow,is entropic flow,normal shock, oblique shock,Prandtl-Meyer flow,flow in nozzles and diffusers,inviscid flow in a c-d nozzle,flow in diffusers.subsonic & supersonic airfoils,compressibility effects on lift and drag,critical and drag divergence Mach number,wave drag.
- Wind Tunnel Testing:Measurement and visualisation techniques.
- Stress & Strain:Equations of equilibrium, constitutive law, strain-displacement relationship, compatibility equations, plane stress and strain, Airy's stress function.
- Flight Vehicle Structures:Characteristics of aircraft structures & materials, torsion, bending and flexural shear.Flexural shear flow in thin-walled sections. Buckling. Failure theories. Loads on aircraft.
- Structural Dynamics:Free and forced vibration of discrete systems. Damping and resonance. Dynamics of continuous systems.
- Thermodynamics of Aircraft Gas Turbine engines,thrust & thrust augmentation. Turbo machinery:Axial compressors & turbines,centrifugal pumps & compressors.Aero thermo dynamics of non rotating propulsion components:Intakes,combustor & nozzle. Thermodynamics of ramjets & scram jets.Elements of rocket propulsion