Haryana Public Service Commission
Pre Exam held on 25.03.2012
Indian History Solved Questions No-51 To 100
51. In which of the following respects the various Harappan sites a marked uniformity? Pre Exam held on 25.03.2012
Indian History Solved Questions No-51 To 100
- Agricultural Practices
- Crafts
- Town Planning
- None of the above
- Elam
- Oman
- Bahrain
- None of the above
- Murder
- Kidnapping
- Cattle-lifting
- None of the above
- District
- Tribe
- Villages
- None of the above
- Monarchy
- Oligarchy
- Republic
- None of the above
- Megasthenes
- Antialkidas
- Heliodorus
- None of the above
- Basava
- Lakula
- Sankaracharya
- None of the above
- Ashoka
- Kanishka
- Menander (Milinda)
- None of the above
- Ajatashatru
- Udayayan
- Ashoka
- None of the above
- Buddhism
- Arivakas
- Samkhya Philosophy
- None of the above
- Bhadrabahu
- Gautama
- Sudharaman
- None of the above
- Alexander Cunningham
- Max Mullar
- James Princep
- None of the above
- Toleration and General Behaviour
- Charity
- Moderation
- None of the above
- Death
- Confiscation of goods
- Imprisonment
- None of the above
- Vedisa Mahadevi
- Asandhamitra
- Karuvaki
- None of the above
- Regulation of profits, wages and prices
- Regulation against adulteration of goods
- Strict control of artisans and traders by the state
- None of the above
- Mathura
- Vidisha
- Ujjain
- None of the above
- Royal Bodyguards
- Superintendents of weaving establishments
- Intelligence agents & spices
- All the above
- The Pandyas
- The Chalukyas of Kalyani
- The Gangas of Orissa
- None of the above
- Vijayalaya
- Rajaraya
- Rajendra I
- None of the above
- Nadu
- Kurram
- Kottram
- All the above
- Aram Shah
- Iltumish
- Nasiruddin Mahmud
- None of the above
- The army
- The nobility
- The theologians
- None of the above
- Theocracy
- Democracy
- Autocracy
- None of the above
- Arabs
- Afghans
- Turks
- None of the above
- The spy reporters
- The king's bodyguards
- The officers in-charge of accounts and receipts
- None of the above
- Yadavas of Devagiri
- Kakatiyas of Warangal
- Hoysalas of Dwarasumudra
- None of the above
- Sangama dynasty
- Saluva dynasty
- Tuluva dynasty
- None of the above
- Black Pepper
- Tea
- Tobacco
- None of the above
- Hindola Mahal
- Jahaz Mahal
- Jama Maszid
- None of the above
- Firdausi
- Sadi
- Amir Khusrau
- None of the above
- Kaiqubad
- Alauddin Khilji
- Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq
- None of the above
- Malwa
- Bengal
- Mewat
- None of the above
- Kabul
- Kashmir
- Kandhar
- None of the above
- Aungier
- Sir Jhon Child
- Sir John Gayer
- None of the above
- Aurangzeb
- Shayista Khan, Mughal Governor of Bengal
- Mir Jumla
- None of the above
- Immense increase in his prestige
- Demoralisation of the Mughal Forces
- A loot of booty
- None of the above
- He stored Shah Alam II, the exiled Mughal emperor, to the Delhi throne
- He subdued the Bhonsles of Nagpur
- He improved the moral tone of the Marathon administration
- None of the above
- Holkar
- Bhonsle
- Gaekwar
- None of the above
- The Sindhias
- The Gaikwars
- The Angrias
- None of the above
- Infantary
- Cavalary
- Artillery
- None of the above
- The English
- The Marathas
- The Nizam
- None of the above
- Marshid Qulikhan
- Shuja-ud-din
- Alivardi Khan
- None of the above
- First
- Third
- Fifth
- None of the above
- He failed to assess the real strength of the English in Bengal.
- He was ignorant of the treachery of men in his court.
- He let the English escape with their ships to Fulta.
- He failed to win the support of his cousin Shakut Jang
- Raya of Benaras
- Nawab of Awadh
- The Nizam of Hyderabad
- None of the above
- Warren Hastings
- A member of the court of Directors
- A judge of the supreme court of Calcutta
- None of the above
- Bengal & Bihar
- United Provinces
- Madras & Bombay
- None of the above
- Import trade
- Textile export
- Export trade in Agriculture produce
- None of the above
- Increasing frequency and Intensity of Famines
- b) Increasing indebtedness of the Peasantry
- c) Transfer of land from cultivating to non cultivating classes
- d) None of the above