General Knowledge Study Materials
1st in World's History
- Who was the first first Prime Minister of Great Britain - Robert Walpole ( 1721-1742)
- Who was the first woman Judge of Supreme Court - Sandra Day O connor
- Who was the first youngest to receive Man Booker Prize - Ms. Eleanor Catton ( 2013)
- Who was the first Prime Minister of India - Jawaharlal Nehru (1947-1964)
- Who was the first Prime Minister of Pakistan - Liaquat Ali Khan ( 1947-1951)
- Who was the first speaker in Hindi at the U.N. - Atal Bihari Vajpayee ( 1977)
- Who was the first Secretary-General of the U.N - Trygve Lie ( 1946-1953)
- Who was the first swimmer to swim several Straits in one Calendar Year - Mihir Sen ( 1966)
- Who was the first Test Tube Baby - Louise Joy Brown ( 1978)
- Who was the first Vice-President of India - Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan ( 1952-1962)
- Who was the first Vice-President of U.S.A. - John Adams ( 1789-1797)
- Who was the first Russian woman to go in Space - Valentina Tereshkova ( 1963)
- Who was the first woman Judge of International Court of Justice - Rosalyn Higgins (Britain) ( 1995)
- Who was the first woman Pilot to circle the Globe - Jerrie Mock ( 1964)
- Who was the first woman pilot to make a Solo Flight - Elise Deroche ( 1909)
- Who was the first woman President of a Country - Isdabel Martinez de Peron (Argentian) ( 1974-76)
- Who was the first woman President of U.N General Assembly - Vijayalakshmi Pandit ( 1953)
- Who was the first woman Prime Minister of a Country - Sirimavo Bandaranaike (Sri Lanka) ( 1960)
- Who was the first woman to travel South Pole alone - Liv Arnesen ( 1995)
- Who was the first woman Space Tourist - Anousheh Ansari (Iran)
- Who was the first woman to climb Mt. Everest twice - Santosh Yadav (May 1992)
- Who was the first woman to cross the Strait of Gibraltar - Aarti Pradhan (India)
- Who was the first woman to climb Mt. Everest - Junko Tabei (Japan) ( 1975)
- Who was the first woman to reach North Pole - Ann Bancroft ( 1986)
- Who was the first yougest to sail around the World non-stop and alone - Kojiro Shiraishi (Japan) ( 1994)