Question Paper 2007
Control Systems Specialization
- control action independent of the output or desired quantity
- controlling action, depending upon human judgment
- internal system changes automatically taken care of
- both (a) and (b)
- all (a),(b) and (c)
- feedback system
- power amplifier to amplify error
- capacity to control position or its derivative
- all of these
- none of these
- Inaccuracy
- inefficiency
- Unreliability
- instability
- Insensitivity
- It is ratio of two polynomials is S and assumes zero initial conditions
- It depends on system elements and not input and output of the system
- Coefficients of the powers of S in denominator and numerator are all real constant. The order of denominator is usually greater than or equal to the order of numerator
- All of these
- It is a function which transfer one physical system into another physical system.
- Capacitor bridge
- transformer
- mutual inductor
- either of these
- G1(s) + G2(s)
- G1(s) / G2(s)
- G1(s) G2(s)
- 1+G1(s) G2(s)
- 1-G1(s)G2(s)
- two blocks cannot be cascaded
- linear time invariant system
- non-linear time invariant system
- digital control system
- both (a) and (b)
- automatic voltage regulator
- d.c. servomotor with high field excitation
- temperature control of a furnaces using thermistor
- speed control using SCR
- all of these
- polar graph
- semi log graph
- log log graph
- a special type of graph for analyzing modem control system
- a topological representation of a set of differential equations
- time lag, less flexible, non-sinusoidal waveform
- low power consumption and isolation of the active circuit
- saturation of the core
- all of these
- The gate coil of an ideal magnetic amplifier has either zero or infinite inductance
- Resistance of control and gate winding is very small
- Magnetic amplifier gas dropping load characteristics
- Magnetic amplifiers are not used to control the speed of d.c. shunt motor
- Magnetic amplifiers can be used in automatic control of electric drivers of higher rating.
- push pull amplifier
- amplidyne
- magnetic amplifier
- DC amplifier
- D.C. generator
- The d.c. servomotors are lighter than equivalent a.c. servomotors
- The d.c. servomotors develops higher starting and reversing torque than equivalent a.c. servomotor.
- A drag cup a.c. servomotor has one windings on stator and other on rotor
- Output power of servomotors varies from 1/20 W to 100 W
- decrease natural frequency
- decrease damping
- increase damped frequency
- increase time constant
- increase gain constant of the system
- less than 1
- lying between 1.1 and 1.5
- more than 2.2
- zero
- infinity
- is used for determining stability of a system
- is an algebraic procedure
- gives the exact location of roots of the characteristic equation
- does not indicate relative degree of stability or instability
- Bode plot
- Nyquist plot
- Nicholos chart
- Routh-Hurwitz array
- Nyquist plot
- Routh-Hurwitz criteria
- Bode plot
- Root locus plot
- Nichols plot
- phase lag network
- phase lead network
- both (a) and (b) in cascade
- both (a) and (b) in parallel
- none of these
- semi log graph paper
- log log graph paper
- polar graph paper
- centimeter graph paper
- stable
- unstable
- indeterminist
- all phase network
- minimum phase network
- maximum phase network
- lag lead network
- none of these
- tr>ts
- ts>tr
- ts=tr
- none of these
- increases
- decreases
- not affected
- none of these
- variable
- zero
- constant
- none of above
- Two octave
- One octave
- Four octave
- None of above
- open loop system
- close loop system with single feedback
- close loop system with multivariable feedback
- none of these
- Decays at constant rate
- gets magnified
- decays slowly
- decays more quickly
- the steady state gain
- the main constant
- the order of system
- the output for any given input
- all of the above
- Laplace transform
- Z-transform
- Fourier transform
- Simple algebraic form
- disturbances
- noise signals
- error signals
- all the above
- unit impulse input signal
- ramp input signal
- sinusoidal input signal
- exponentially decaying input signal
- electric switch
- car starter
- de generator
- auto-pilot for an aircraft
- potentiometer
- field controlled ac motor
- amplidyne
- armature controlled ac motor
- open loop poles
- closed loop poles
- open loop zeros
- closed loop zeros
- reducing the bandwidth
- attenuating such frequencies at which external signals get coupled into the system
- both (a) and (b)
- none of these
- parameters of controlling system
- parameters of controlled system
- parameters of feedback system
- error detector where the two signals are compared
- a amplifier
- a clipper
- a comparator
- a summer
- highly stable
- highly oscillatory
- relatively stable
- none of these
- sensor
- error detector
- oscillator
- final control element
- AC systems are cheaper
- AC systems are more stable
- AC systems have better performance characteristics and smaller in size
- all of these
- low pass system
- high pass system
- all pass system
- none of the above
- noise is proportional to bandwidth
- it leads to low relative stability
- it leads to slow speed of response
- none of these
- larger damping ratio
- smaller damping ratio
- constant damping ratio
- none of these
- stable
- unstable
- not necessarily stable
- conditionally stable
- voltage
- current
- power
- none of above
- big size
- time delay and hysteresis losses
- high reactance
- (none of these
- conditional stability
- over damping
- low level oscillations
- high level oscillations
- reduction in bandwidth
- reduction in gain
- saturation in amplifying stages
- oscillations
- net pole at the origin
- no pole at the origin
- simple at one origin
- two poles at the origin