Staff Selection Commission Exam,Solved PaperSection Officer (Commercial Audit) General Awareness
- equality before law.
- equality of opportunity in matters of public employment.
- abolition of titles.
- abolition of untouchability.
- temporary provisions for Jammu & Kashmir.
- special provisions in respect of Nagaland.
- special provisions in respect of Manipur.
- provisions in respect of financial emergency.
- Three
- Five
- Six
- Four
- aristocracy
- absolute monarchy
- constitutional monarchy
- polity.
- Hobbes, Locke and Rousseau.
- Plato, Aristotle and Hegel.
- Mill, Bentham and Plato.
- Locke, Mill and Hegel.
- President
- Prime Minister.
- Members of both Houses of the Parliament.
- Members of the Lok Sabha.
- Plutarch
- Herodotus
- Justin
- Pliny
- Smriti.
- Sruti.
- Jnana.
- Siksha.
- elected from the Lok Sabha only.
- elected from the Rajya Sabha only.
- elected from both the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha.
- nominated by the Speaker of the Lok Sabha.
- Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.
- Chief Minister.
- Speaker of the Lok Sabha.
- President.
- Scarce currency
- Soft currency.
- Gold currency
- Hot currency.
- Disposable income
- Per capita income
- the agriculture sector.
- the factory sector.
- the service sector.
- All these sectors.
- Territorial trade.
- Internal trade.
- International trade.
- Free trade.
- First Five-Year Plan (1951-56)
- Third Five-Year Plan (1961-66)
- Fourth Five-Year Plan (1969-74)
- Fifth Five-Year Plan (1974-79)
- Commercial banks receive deposits from the public.
- Central bank gives loans to Commercial banks.
- Government loans are floated.
- Commercial banks grant loans to their customers.
- Luxury goods.
- Expensive goods.
- Capital goods.
- Economic goods.
- E.H.Chamberlin
- P.A.Samuelson
- J.Robinson
- A.Marshall
- solid dispersed in gas
- solid dispersed in liquid.
- gas dispersed in solid
- gas dispersed in gas.
- Aluminum hydroxide
- Silver bromide
- Potassium nitrate
- Sodium chloride.
- methane and ethane
- methane and butane.
- propane and butane
- methane, ethane, propane and propylene.
- Hydrolysis
- Oxidation
- Hydrogenation
- Ozonoloysis
- Blue
- Green
- Orange
- Red
- better cleaning action.
- proper pigmental composition.
- high glorious nature.
- very low cost.
- Aryabhata
- Bhaskara
- Rohini
- Amplitude Movement
- Anywhere Movement
- Amplitude Matching
- Amplitude Modulation.
- Purandar Das
- Shyamal Bhatt
- Narsi Mehta
- Sant Gyaneshwar
- Dengu fever
- Filariasis
- Sleeping sickness
- Malaria
- Dolomite
- Copper
- Lignite
- Bauxite
- The US
- Norway
- India
- The UK
- Planning Commission
- National Development Council
- The Union Cabinet
- Finance Ministry
- " all other things variable "
- "other things increasing"
- "other things being equal"
- "all other things decreasing"
- Dev Anand
- Rekha
- Dilip Kumar
- Shabana Azmi
- Interest Rate.
- Bank Rate.
- Wage Rate.
- Exchange Rate.
- the Indian Railways
- the Indian Commercial Banking System.
- the India Power Sector
- the India Telecommunication System.
- Indian Statistical Institute
- Reserve Bank of India.
- Central Statistical Organization.
- National Council for Applied Economics and Research.
- The Governor of India
- The Planning Commission
- The State Bank of India
- The Reserve Bank of India
- Fiscal deficit
- Budget deficit
- Revenue deficit
- Current deficit
- production
- production and sale.
- Production and transportation.
- Production, transportation and sale.
- The Senate
- Universal Adult Franchise.
- The House of Representatives.
- The Congress.
- Peaceful change
- Force
- Tolerance
- Basic Rights for the individual
- Supervision
- Management
- Marketing
- Risk bearing
- social-overhead capital.
- human capital.
- tangible physical capital.
- working capital.
- 2,250 km
- 3,500 km
- 5,000 km
- 1,000 km
- Sikkim.
- Arunachal Pradesh.
- Himachal Pradesh
- Jammu and Kashmir.
- Chairman, Unit Trust of India.
- Deputy Governor of Reserve Bank of India.
- Chairman, Securities and Exchange Board of India.
- Chairman, Life Insurance Corporation of India.
- BrahMos
- Chetak
- Astra
- Tejas
- Tony Blair
- Jack Straw
- Robin Cook
- Gordon Brown.
- France.
- China.
- Germany.
- South Africa.
- Navin Chawla
- N.Gopalswamy
- T.S.krishnamoorty
- B.B.Tandon
- A call of Honour – In the Service of Emergent Inida
- Whither Secular India?
- Ayodhya and Aftermath
- Shining India and BJP.
- Jabunnisa
- Fatima Begum
- Mehrunnisa
- Jahanara
- Lord Dallhousie- Doctrine of Lapse
- Lord Minto- Indian Councils Act, 1909
- Lord Wellesley- Subsidiary Alliance
- Lord Curzon- Vernacular Press Act, 1878
- Lord Lytton.
- Lord Ripon.
- Lord Dufferin.
- Lord Curzon.
- worship of forces of nature.
- organized city life.
- pastoral farming.
- caste society.
- Kanchi.
- Vattapi.
- Trichnapalli.
- Mahabalipuram.
- M.K.Gandhi
- B.G.Tilak
- Ranade
- K.T.Telang
- it sought tocurb civil liberties.
- it proposed to partition India.
- it was an all-white commission Indian representation.
- it proposed measures for nationalism.
- Cyclones
- Anti-cyclones
- Lunar-eclipse
- Solar eclipse.
- The Montagu Decleration
- The Montagu- Chelmsford Reforms.
- The Morley-Minto Reforms
- The Rowlatt Act.
- counting the number of branches.
- measuring the height ,of the tree.
- measuring the diameter of the trunk.
- counting the number of rings in the trunk.
- Viruses
- Bacteria
- Algae
- Fungi
- It is an optical instrument used to see inside the alimentary canal
- it is device which is fitted on the chest of the patient to regularize the irregular heart beats
- It is an instrument used for examining ear disorders
- It is an instrument for recording electrical signals produced by the human muscles.
- Diabetes mellitus
- Diabetes insipidus
- Diabetes imperfectus
- Diabetes sugarensis
- members of both Houses of the Parliament.
- members of both houses of Parliament of State Legislatures.
- members of both Houses of the State Legislative Assemblies.
- Elected members of both Houses of the Parliament and members of Legislative Assemblies.
- of no use to plants.
- injurious of plants.
- directly utilized by plants.
- utilized through micro-organisms.
- allotropes
- isomorphous
- isomers
- isobars
- tribal tool.
- boat.
- ship.
- weapon.
- Carbohydrates
- fats
- Proteins
- Vitamins.
- growing of different crops in succession to maintain soil fertility.
- some crops are growing again and again.
- two or more crops are grown simultaneously to increase productivity.
- None of these.
- Pacific Ocean and Atlantic Ocean.
- Mediterranean Sea and Red Sea.
- Lake Huron and Lake Erie.
- Lake Erie and Lake Ontario.
- Kandla
- Kochi
- Mumbai
- Vishkhapatnam.
- method of potato cultivation.
- process of deforestation.
- mixed framing.
- shifting cultivation.
- excessive fuel wood collection.
- excessive soil erosion.
- floods.
- construction of roads.
- amount of rainfall.
- relief of the area.
- vegetation of the area.
- amount of percolation.