BSNL TTA Question
Instruments and Measurement
Specialization 2007
- the magnitude of a quantity
- the physics of a variable
- either of the above
- both (a) and (b)
- no indicating part
- low resistance in parallel circuit
- very fast response
- high resistance in series circuit
- no passive elements.
- two ammeters
- two voltmeters
- a voltmeter and an ammeter
- a current and potential transformer
- power
- impedance
- frequency
- power ratio
- frequency
- polarity
- power factor
- power
- very low value
- low value
- medium value
- very high value
- Wheatstone bridge
- megger
- Kelvin bridge
- voltmeter
- 10%
- 5%
- 2.5%
- 1.25%
- a watt meter
- a ammeter, a voltmeter and a watt meter
- a voltmeter and a ammeter
- a kWh meter
- a voltmeter and an ammeter
- Schering bridge
- a Kelvin double bridge
- a Maxwell bridge
- Pulsating in nature
- Sinusoidal in nature
- Which is continuous function of time and bears a constant relation to its input
- Independent of the input quantity
- Duddel's oscillograph
- Cathode ray oscillograph
- Vibration Galvanometer
- Bailastic Galvanometer
- Battery Charging equipment
- by subtracting the d.c. reading from it's a.c. reading.
- Using the output function of the multimeter
- By using a suitable inductor in series with it
- By using a parallel capacitor with it
- None of the above
- D. C. current only
- A. C. current only
- A. C. and D. C. currents
- voltage by incorporating a shunt resistance
- none of these
- the internal resistance of the voltmeter must be high
- the internal resistance of ammeter must be low
- the poor overload capacity is the main disadvantage of hot wires instrument
- the check continuity with multimeter, the highest range should be used.
- In moving iron voltmeter, frequency compensation is achieved by connecting a capacitor across its fixed coil.
- permanent magnet moving coil ammeter.
- Induction type ammeter.
- Quadrant electro-meter.
- Moving iron repulsion type ammeter.
- Moving iron attraction type voltmeter.
- thermal EMF
- temperature
- power taken by the instrument
- galvanometer sensitivity.
- electrostatic instrument
- Electrodynamometer instrument
- Electro thermo type instrument
- Rectifier type instrument.
- AC singles
- DC signals
- both (a) and (b)
- time varying signals
- none of these.
- Measuring transformers
- transformer meters
- power transformers
- instrument transformers
- pulse transformers.
- Ballistic galvanometer
- Flux meter
- Either (a) or (b)
- Vibration galvanometer
- supply waveform
- magnitude of the applied voltage
- B.H. loop
- all of these
- Magnitude of the current flowing in it.
- an amplifier having feedback network
- a high gain amplifier
- a wide band amplifier
- a untuned amplifier
- None of these
- Wave meter
- Digital filters
- Wein bridge circuit
- Bridge T filter circuit
- high impedance
- low impedance
- both (a) and (b)
- high frequency
- low capacitance
- an active transducer
- a passive transducer
- a secondary transducer
- a digital transducer
- a current sensing transducer
- A/D converter and a counter
- A/D converted and a rectifier
- D/A converter and a counter
- Ramp generator and counter
- Comparator
- diode
- converter
- transformer
- mercury arc rectifier
- an ammeter
- an ohmmeter
- an oscillator
- a watt-meter
- capacitance
- inductor
- an oscilloscope
- a watt-meter
- shunt in series
- shunt in parallel
- multiplier in series
- multiplier in parallel
- rheostat
- oscillator
- transducer
- varicap
- primary electron
- secondary electron
- both primary and secondary
- none of above
- only a high gain
- only a broad bandwidth
- a constant gain time bandwidth product
- all of the above
- Strain gauge
- Selsyn
- Photovoltic cell
- Photo emissive cell
- low pass filter
- high pass filter
- band pass filter
- band stop filter
- passive transducers
- active transducers
- both active and passive transducers
- output transducers
- bigger
- smaller
- same
- None of these
- low
- high
- medium
- the value of resistance of electrode does not effect the safety
- between pre accelerating and accelerating anodes
- after accelerating anodes
- before pre accelerating anodes
- none of above
- I.V.D.T.
- thermocouple
- photo-conductor
- none of the above
- photo emission cell
- photo diode
- photo transistor
- both (b) and (c)
- induction instruments
- hot wire instruments
- thermocouple instruments
- electro dynamometer instruments
- moving iron meter
- moving coil meter
- rectifier type meter
- thermocouple meter
- limit the current in the coil
- increase the voltage drop across the coil
- increase the current in the coil
- protect the battery
- M.l. instrument
- electrostatic instrument
- electrodynamometer type instrument
- all of these
- Wien bridge
- Owen bridge
- Schering bridge
- Maxwell bridge
- recording system
- deflection measuring system
- vibration measuring system
- oscillatory measuring system
- star
- delta
- series
- parallel
- peak value
- peak-to-peak value
- RMS value
- average value