Hindustan Aeronautical Limited
Management Trainee
HAL Mechanical Engineering
Q.1.When length of a wire increases its resistance- doubles
- half
- remains same
- none of these
- 12.5Hz
- 1.25Hz
- 4Hz
- none of these
- motoring
- braking
- generating
- none of these
- answer: motoring -0<S<1,generating- S<0,braking - S>1
Q.6. In electrodynamo-meter type wattmeter
- pressure coil is made fixed
- current coil is made fixed
- both the coils are made fixed
- none of these
- weights attached to it.
- Springs
- No control torque is there
- none of these
Q.9.In MI meters deflecting torque is proportional to
- square of the current
- square of the voltage
- both above
- none of these
- v3VLILcos F
- 3VLILcos F
- VLILcos F
- none of these
- star-delta
- delta-star
- delta-delta
- star-star
- KW
- none of these
- Insulator
- Semi-conductor
- Alloy
- none of these
- two separate horizontal and two separate vertical plates
- one horizontal and two separate vertical plates
- two separate horizontal and one vertical plates
- one horizontal and one vertical plates
- MI meter
- MC meter
- Potentiometer
- none of these
- tens of ohm
- mega ohm
- kilo ohm
- fraction of an ohm
- lead resistance
- contact resistance
- some thing is given
- all of the above
- low over-load currents
- high over-load currents
- combination is never used
- none of these
- Ans: field current Vs power factor
- moves away from poles
- moves away from zeros
- crosses imaginary axis
- none of these