Study Material
Solved MCQ Model Papers
- 32 registers
- 32 I/O devices
- 32 Mb of RAM
- a 32-bit bus or 32-bit registers
- bits per second
- Hertz
- bytes
- baud
- 1 MB
- 2 MB
- 4 MB
- 8 MB
- most of RAM
- most of ROM
- peripheral drivers
- most of the control and arithmetic logic functions of computer
- PowerPC
- Motorola 8086
- Motorola 68000
- Intel Pentium
- RTS 6.5
- RTS 7.5
- 8-bit
- 16-bit
- 32-bit
- 64-bit
- always has a label
- always takes at least one operand
- always has an operation field
- always modifies the status register
- causes an unconditional transfer of control
- causes a conditional transfer of control
- modifies the status register
- is an I/O instruction
- run faster than High-level language
- are portable
- easier to write than machine code programs
- they allow the programmer access to registers or instructions that are not usually provided by a High-level language
mov al, ‘c’
sub al, 2
call putc
- display 2
- display ‘c’
- display ‘a’
- display a blank
- store 0100 0010 in al
- store 42H in al
- store 40H in al
- store 0100 0001 in al
- Chip
- Resistor
- Capacitor
- Transistor
- the digital value of the data
- the address of an instruction
- the address of data
- None Of These
- 8085
- 8086
- 8087
- 8088
- Hardware interrupts
- Software interrupts
- Hardware interrupts and Software interrupts
- none of the above
- data bus
- data bus and address bus
- data bus and control bus
- data bus, control bus and address bus
- data to be transferred to memory
- data that has been transferred from memory
- the address of a memory location
- an instruction that has been transferred from memory
- microinstruction it is executing
- instruction it is executing
- macro it is executing
- subroutine it is executing
- instruction set
- power requirement
- MIPS performance
- none of the above
- Immediate addressing
- Based addressing
- Direct addressing
- Indirect addressing
- Instruction register
- Instruction counter
- Program counter
- Program register
- Immediate addressing
- Register addressing
- Direct addressing
- Indirect addressing
- An interrupt that can be turned off by the programmer.
- An interrupt that cannot be turned off by the programmer.
- An interrupt that can be turned off by the system.
- An interrupt that cannot be turned off by the system.
- Maskable interrupts
- Non-Maskable interrupts
- none of the above
- 8085
- 8086
- 8087
- 8088
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- Multi-Processing Unit
- Micro-Processing Unit
- Mega-Processing Unit
- Major-Processing Unit
- Reading from Memory
- Writing into Memory
- Reading from Input port
- Writing into Input port
- 8086
- 80286
- 80386
- 80486
- Large Size Instruction
- Large Scale Instruction
- Large Size Integration
- Large Scale Integration
- A machine language
- An assembly language
- A high level language
- none of the above
- recognize macro definitions and macro calls
- save the macro definitions
- expand macro calls and substitutes arguments
- all of the above
- 1 byte
- 2 byte
- 4 byte
- 8 byte
- execute an instruction supplied by an external device through the INTA signal
- execute an instruction from memory location 20H
- executes a NOP
- none of the above
- AC=0 and CY=0
- AC=1 and CY=1
- AC=1 and CY=0
- AC=0 and CY=1
MVI A, 55H
MVI C, 25H
- 7AH
- 80H
- 50H
- 22H
- Motorola 6800
- Intel 8085
- Intel 8086
- Zilo 80
- 16
- 32
- 64
- 128
- Counter flag
- Carry flag
- Zero flag
- Parity flag
- Transistor
- Flip-flop
- Gate
- none of the above
- Arithmetic operations
- Logic operations
- Data transfer operations
- Branch operations
- Direct Memory Allocation
- Distinct Memory Allocation
- Direct Memory Access
- Distinct Memory Access
- Repeat Start Test
- Restart
- Start
- Reset
- RST 6
- RST 6.5
- I/O device have 8-bit addresses.
- I/O devices are accessed using IN and OUT instructions.
- arithmetic and logic operations can be directly performed with the I/O data.
- there can be a max of 256 input devices and 256 output devices.
- reads instructions from memory
- communicates with I/O devices
- controls the timing of information flow
- all of the above
- Data and Address
- Register and Memory
- Opcode and Operand
- Input and Output
- Zero flag and Auxiliary Carry flag
- Zero flag and Carry flag
- Carry flag and Auxiliary Carry flag
- none of the above
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