Electronics & Communication
Solved Paper For Competitive Exams
- Magnetic field
- Electric field
- Supermagnetic field
- None
- Mu metal
- Sapphire
- Ferrites
- Higher curie temperature
- Lower curie temperature
- Absolute temperature
- None
- The sum of the residual resistivities of the component metals
- The difference of the residual resistivities of the component metals.
- The product of the residual resistivities of the component metals
- Dependent on the concentration of the minor component in the alloy
- Are always associated with some resistance
- Are bulky and unsuitable for miniaturisation
- Are non-linear in nature
- Saturate quickly
- mostly in the p-region
- mostly in the n-region
- equally to both p and n region
- entirely in the p-region
- pulsating dc
- dc
- rectified ac
- ac
- Electrolytic
- Ceramic
- Paper
- Mylar
- Always fatal
- Never fatal
- Sometimes fatal
- Always disfiguring
- 16mF
- 10F
- 10mF
- None
- High electrical conductivity
- Low electrical conductivity
- Negligible conductivity
- None
- Larger is the peak-peak value of ripple voltage
- Larger is the peak current in the rectifying diode
- Longer is the time that current pulse flows through the diode
- Smaller is the dc voltage across the load
- Thermally generated electrons and holes
- Diffusion of majority carriers across the junction
- Migration of minority carriers across the junction
- Flow of drift current
- positive
- negative
- zero
- depends on P or N channel
- Boron
- Indium
- Germanium
- Antimony
- is decreased
- is increased
- remains constant
- first increases and then decreases.
- positive and greater than 1
- positive and less than 1
- negative and greater than 1
- negative and less than 1
- not very sensitive to radiations
- very sensitive to radiations.
- independent of radiations
- none
- 2 diodes
- 3 diodes
- 4 diodes
- 5 diodes
- IC = bIB
- IC > bIB
- IC is independent of all other parameters
- IC < bIB
- High purity silicon
- High purity silica
- Heavily doped polycrystalline silicon
- Epitaxial grown silicon
- 10V
- 5V
- 27V
- 24V
- product of the individual ABCD matrices of the two networks
- product of voltage transfer ratios of the two individual networks
- sum of the Z- matrices of the two networks
- sum of the h – matrices of the two networks
- –40dB
- –6dB
- –55dB
- –60dB
- 7
- 9
- 10
- 45
- zero
- 1rad/s
- 4rad/s
- 16rad/s
- 1.58 W
- 158 W
- 15.8 W
- None of these
- antenna gain to bandwidth
- frequency to antenna gain
- antenna gain to transmission losses
- information carrying capacity to S/N ratio
- TE1 mode
- TM01 mode
- TE01 mode
- Higher order mode
- a) [ (R+jL) (G+jc)
- b) [ R+jL) (G+jc)] ½
- c) [ (R-jL) (G + jc) ] ½
- d) [(R-jL) ( G+j2c)1/3
1. Easier to use
2. lower power losses
3. Higher operating frequencies possible
- 1 and 2
- 1 and 3
- 2 and 3
- 1,2 and 3
- 250 and 200 respectively
- 225 and 25 respectively
- 100 and 150 respectively
- 50 and 125 respectively
- Same cut off frequencies but different field distribution
- Same cut off frequencies and same field distributions
- Different cut off frequencies but same field distributions
- Different cut off frequencies and different field distributions
- 30
- 60
- 45
- 90
- Null
- Circle
- Figure of eight
- None of the above
where are the answers...???