Marketing Aptitude & Computer Knowledge Questions
1. Marketing Survey means–- Market Research
- Market plan
- Marketing strategies
- Market monitoring
- All of these
- rural persons do not understand marketing
- it is not cost viable
- it is a waste of time
- all the statements are false
- all the statements are true
- very difficult
- very cumbersome
- easy to handle
- has no role in marketing
- None of these
- all customers
- all literate customers
- All computer literate customers
- only borrowers
- All of these
- Monitor
- None of these
- Italics
- Underlined
- Italics and Underlined
- Bold
- None of these
- Java
- Pascal
- None of these
- user interface
- language translator
- platform
- screen saver
- None of these
- Windows Page
- Start page
- Memory page
- Desktop page
- Document page
- Selling to relationship
- Selling to retailer
- Selling to whole seller
- Consumers away from a fixed retail location
- All of the above
- Publicity
- Advertising
- Sales promotion
- Public Relations
- All of the above
- CU
- Digital Signal processor
- All Of The Above
- Advertisements
- Banners
- Face-to-face selling
- Selling by all staff
- Achieving targets
- Selling web cameras
- Web advertisements
- e-mail chatting
- Browsing the web
- Door-to-door canvassing
- More business to the Company
- More profit
- More staff
- More production
- More products
- Publicity
- Lead generation
- Cross-country contacts
- Product Designing
- Product Re-designing
- New
- Start
- Program
- Control Panel
- None of these
- Chart Wizard
- Pivot Table
- Pie Chart
- Bar Chart
- None of these
- ATM’s
- Internet Banking
- Mobile Banking
- Tele banking
- All of these
- Buyer’s market
- Sellers’ market
- Internal marketing
- Direct marketing
- None of these
- guide
- model
- ruler
- template
- None of these
- menu bar
- tool bar
- title bar
- formula bar
- None of these
- Copy the competitor company
- Criticize the competitor company
- Join the competitor company
- Be passive
- Be more effective than the competitor company
- Marketing to self
- Marketing to family members
- Marketing to the staff members
- Marketing inside India
- Marketing outside India
- mouse
- joystick
- keyboard
- pen
- None of these
- facts
- data
- files
- directory
- None of these
- programmer
- computer scientist
- software engineer
- project developer
- None of these
- subject
- to
- contents
- cc
- None of these
- get into the system quickly
- make efficient use of time
- retain confidentiality of files
- simplify file structures
- None of these
- Price
- Pricing
- Purpose
- Pride
- Pursuit
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