Madhya Pradesh Public Service Commission
MPPSC Preliminary Exam
MPPSC Preliminary Exam
General Studies Model Question Answers
Q.1.Which one is not the principle of Parliamentary government in a democracy ?
- Collective responsibility of Executive
- Fixed Tenure
- Prime Minister as Primes inter pares
- Judicial guarantee of Fundamental Rights
Q.2.The Executive in Presidential form of government is powerful because
- the Legislature is weak
- judges are appointed by the President
- it enjoys the fixity of tenure
- the procedure of impeachment is cumbersome
Q.3.Presidential form of government is based on the principle of
- accountability of Executive to Judiciary
- independence of the Executive
- separation of powers
- sovereignty of the Legislature
Q.4.“Politics is struggle for power”, was said by
- Morgenthau
- Quincy Wright
- Sprout
- Thomson
Q.5.“Politics is concerned with the authoritative allocation of values for a society.” This definition of politics has been given by
- David Easton
- Harold Lasswell
- Robert Dahl
- Charles Merriam
Q.6.According to Structural-Functional approach which of the following does not constitute ‘input functions’ of a political system
- Political socialization
- Political development
- Interest aggregation
- Political communication
Q.7.Who of the following is regarded as an exponent of empty liberty
- Bentham
- J.S. Mill
- Hegel
- Green
Q.8.Which one of the following books is not written by Machiavelli
- The Prince
- The Discourses
- The Art of War
- Behemoth
Q.9.The view that “the State is a necessary evil”, is associated with
- Individualists
- Anarchists
- Marxists
- Sophists
Q.10.The philosophy that stands diametrically opposite to liberalism is
- Individualism
- Capitalism
- Marxism
- Fascism
Q.11.Who of the following first propounded the organic theory of State
- Machiavelli
- Plato
- Marx
- Herbert Spencer
Q.12.Social Contract theory is based on—
- Nationalism
- Constitutionalism
- Individualism
- Socialism
Q.13.Who of the following first used the term ‘Socialism’ ?
- Kropotkin
- Robert Owen
- Marx
- Bentham
Q.14.Which one of the following is not an agency of public opinion
- Press
- Judiciary
- Political Party
- T.V. and Radio
Q.15.The first systematic classification of government was given by
- Plato
- Aristotle
- Machiavelli
- Montesquieu
Q.16.Which one of the following functions is performed by political parties ?
- To render help to poor people
- To run hospitals
- To manage newspapers
- To assist candidates in contesting elections
Q.17.‘The concept of liberty’ includes—
- absence of unjust restraints
- maximum justice
- national liberation
- absence of restraints
Q.18.The best explanation of ‘Equality’ is—
- identity of treatment
- parity of remuneration
- fulfilment of minimum needs
- abiding by rules
Q.19.Marxian socialism is called ‘scientific socialism’, because Marx—
- considered personal experiences as his laboratory
- opposed religion and metaphysical issues
- rejected idealistic, vague and Utopian assumptions
- accepted dictatorship of the proletariat
Q.20.The Retributive Theory of Justice is based on—
- the principle of deterrent punishment
- the principle of revenge
- the principle that punishment should aim at reforming the criminals
- the principle of ‘hate the sin and not the sinner’
Q.21.Classless society according to Marx denotes—
- a tribal society
- a casteless society
- a society where there is only one class–the working class
- a society in which all classes are in equal proportion
Q.22.Rousseau’s ‘General Will’ means—
- Will of the sovereign
- Will of the general public
- Will of majority
- Collective good of the people
Q.23.The Deterrent Theory of Justice is based upon the principle of—
- Tit for tat
- Severe and exemplary punishment to prevent the re-occurrence of crime
- That criminals should be reformed
- That criminals should be treated leniently
Q.24.Theory of Political Development means—
- Development of the whole state
- Development of the consciousness amongst the people
- Development of the whole society through the instrumentality of the State
- Development of political elite
Q.25.Divine Origin theory of the State holds that
- State was created by a saint named Divine
- State was created by Pope
- State was created by God
- State was created by majority vote
Q.26.Oligarchy is a system where—
- representatives of the common people dominate
- aristocratic class dominates
- working class dominates
- peasantry dominates
Q.27.A Totalitarian State is one in which—
- total power of the state is vested in one person
- state has total power over its subjects
- state caters to the total needs of its subjects
- state has complete control over its resources
Q.28.The characteristic which is of the ‘List System’ but not of ‘Single Transferable Vote System’ is—
- it is proportional representation
- the constituency must be multiple-member
- quota is calculated
- votes are cast to the party and not the candidate
Q.29.The scholar who first propounded the single transferable vote system is
- Thomas Paine
- J.S. Mill
- Thomas Hare
- Rousseau
Q.30.The ideology of Democratic Socialism lays emphasis on—
- basis of society is not competition, but cooperation
- state is a necessary evil
- violent revolution
- class-struggle theory
Q.31.Which of the following statements is not applicable to Hobbes ?
- Men entered into a single contract
- Sovereign enjoyed absolute powers
- Men can appoint their ruler
- The contract was one-sided
Q.32.Which of the following contains the elements of the historical theory of origin of the State ?
- Kinship, religion, war, political consciousness
- War, customs, kingship, dictates of natural law
- Kingship, force, mutual agreements, political leadership
- Blood-relations, contractual agreements, religion, anarchy
Q.33.The basic principle of liberalism is—
- social justice
- equality
- individual freedom
- nationalism
Q.34.Modern Individualism demands freedom for—
- Group
- Individual
- People
- Working class
Q.35.The concept of constitutional government was first elaborated by—
- Plato
- Aristotle
- Bodin
- Machiavelli
Q.36.Who propagated “the greatest happiness to the greatest number” ?
- Marxists
- Utilitarians
- Liberals
- Pluralists
Q.37.Input-output model is chiefly attributed to—
- Peter Merkl
- Robert Dahl
- David Easton
- David Apter
Q.38.What are the essential elements of the State ?
- Population, territory, constitution, power
- Population, territory, government, sovereignty
- Population, territory, political party, sovereignty
- Population, power, authority, sovereignty
Q.39.Which of the following theories of origin of State is more appropriate and reliable as it is based on scientific base ?
- Divine theory of origin of state
- Force theory
- Evolutionary theory
- Social contract theory
Q.40.The concept of ‘Rule of Law’ was given by—
- A.V. Dicey
- Laski
- Austin
- MacIver
Q.41.Mrs. Annie Besant was associated with—
- Servants of India Society
- Home Rule Movement
- Civil Disobedience Movement
- Quit India Movement
Q.42.Who presides over the joint session of the two Houses of the Parliament ?
- President of India
- Speaker of Lok Sabha
- Prime Minister
- Leader of Ruling Party
Q.43.In the Indian Constitution the word secularism means—
- State has a religion of its own
- State has nothing to do with religion
- State has irreligious
- State tolerates religions without professing any particular religion
Q.44.Who was the Chairman of the ‘Drafting Committee in the Constituent Assembly’ ?
- Dr. Rajendra Prasad
- Dr. B. R. Ambedkar
- J. L. Nehru
- B. N. Rao
Q.45.Through which Amendment was the word ‘Socialism’ added to the Constitution ?
- 42nd Amendment
- 43rd Amendment
- 44th Amendment
- 45th Amendment
Q.46.Indian Institute of Public Administration is situated at—
- Delhi
- Chennai
- Kolkata
- Mumbai
Q.47.In India the power of judicial review is enjoyed by the—
- High Court only
- Supreme Court only
- Supreme Court and High Court only
- Parliament
Q.48.In which part of the Indian Constitution proclaims India to be a welfare state ?
- Part III
- Part IV
- Part IX
- Part VI
Q.49.The Fundamental Duties of Indian citizens are contained in—
- Part I of the Constitution
- Part III of the Constitution
- Part IV of the Constitution
- None of the above
Q.50.Which one of the following commissions was constituted to examine the Center-State relations ?
- Sarkaria Commission
- Shah Commission
- Bachhavat Commission
- Jain Commission
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