
Thursday, 16 July 2015

SSC Combined Graduate Level (Tier I) Examination 2012 : general Awareness Questions

SSC Combined Graduate Level (Tier I) Examination 2012
General Awareness Solved Question Paper
1. Earth is a very big magnet. In which direction does its magnetic field extend?
  1. east to west 
  2. west to east
  3. north to south 
  4. south to north
2. Which of the following is meant for the ex-situ conservation of various species?
  1. Herbarium 
  2. Sperm bank
  3. Blood bank 
  4. Germplasm bank
3. Drying oils contain a fairly large proportion of–
  1. Saturated fatty acids 
  2. Unsaturated fatty acids
  3. Fats 
  4. Proteins
4. Human Development Index was formulated by–
  1. UNCTAD 
  2. ASEAN
  3. IBRD 
  4. UNDP
5. The infective stage of Malaria is–
  1. Merozoite 
  2. Gametocyte
  3. Ring stage 
  4. Sporozoite
6. Who said that the Directive Principles of State Policy are just like "a cheque on bank payable at the convenience of the bank".
  1. N.G. Ranga 
  2. Pandit Nehru
  3. KT. Shah 
  4. B.R. Ambedkar
7. Consumption for the sake of enjoying social acknowledgement is called–
  1. Demonstration consumption 
  2. Rational consumption
  3. Social consumption 
  4. (D) Conspicuous consumption
8. The red, orange and yellow colours of leaves are due to–
  1. Lignins 
  2. Carotenoids
  3. Aldehydes 
  4. Tannins
9. The state which has registered the highest population growth rate according to 2001 Census is–
  1. Sikkim 
  2. Kerala
  3. Uttar Pradesh 
  4. Nagaland
10. Torah is the sacred book of–
  1. Judaism 
  2. Zoroastrianism
  3. Confucianism 
  4. Taoism
11. Pyroligneous acid obtained from wood contains–
  1. 10% ethanol 
  2. 10% Formaldehyde
  3. 10% Acetic acid 
  4. 10% Formic acid
12. The treaty of Versailles restored Alsace-Lorraine to–
  1. Belgium 
  2. Italy
  3. Britain 
  4. France
13. The seat of Kerala High Court is located at–
  1. Ernakulam 
  2. Kottayam
  3. Thiruvananthapuram 
  4. Kollam
14. Polar-bears hold cures for–
  1. Kidney failure 
  2. Type II diabetes
  3. Osteoporosis 
  4. Breast cancer
15. India is making 'Double Taxation Avoidance Agreements' (DTAA) with other countries for the promotion of–
  1. Foreign institutional investment 
  2. Bilateral trade
  3. External commercial borrowings 
  4. Foreign direct investments
16. Low cost housing is an example for–
  1. Merit wants 
  2. Mixed wants
  3. Social wants 
  4. Private wants
17. The disease that kills more people than lung cancer as a consequence of air pollution is–
  1. heart attack 
  2. chronic bronchitis
  3. asthma 
  4. emphesema
18. Peninsular India has the following zonal soil types–
  1. Alluvial soil 
  2. Red and yellow soil
  3. Forest soil 
  4. Saline soil
19. Mamta Sharma was appointed in 2011 as the Chairperson of–
  1. National Commission for BCs 
  2. National Commission for Minorities
  3. National Commission for Protection of Child Rights 
  4. National Commission for Women
20. "Eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth" is the guiding principle of–
  1. Reformative theory of Justice 
  2. Attributive theory of Justice
  3. Retributive theory of Justice 
  4. Deterrent theory of Justice
21. The proposal for the creation of new All-India Services can be considered only–
  1. if majority of State Legislatures make such demand
  2. if Lok Sabha passes a resolution by two-thirds majority
  3. if the Rajya Sabha passes a resolution by two-thirds majority
  4. None of the above
22. The Asokan Edicts were deciphered first by–
  1. James Prinsep 
  2. Sir John Marshall
  3. Sir William Jones 
  4. Charles Wilkins
23. An algae type ocean deposit is–
  1. Pelagic deposits 
  2. Neritic remains
  3. Diatom ooze 
  4. Pteropod ooze
24. Which of the following pairs is correctly matched ?
  1. Gypsum - calcium hydroxide 
  2. Milk of lime - sodium sulphate
  3. Glauber's salt - calcium sulphate 
  4. Salt petre - potassium nitrate
25. Which is not a correct statement?
  1. Dilute solutions contain less amount of solute 
  2. Phenols are acidic
  3. In benzene all the atoms lie in one plane 
  4. Methylated spirit contains only methanol
26. The most densely populated state in India is–
  1. Tamil adu 
  2. Kerala
  3. Uttar Pradesh 
  4. West Bengal
27. The first Speaker of Lok Sabha was–
  1. G.V Mavlankar 
  2. S. Radhakrishnan
  3. M. Ananthasayanam Ayyangar 
  4. Sardar Hukam Singh
28. Who was the teacher of Gautama Buddha?
  1. Patanjali 
  2. Panini
  3. Alara Kalama 
  4. Kapila
29. Which bank was the first to introduce ATMs to the world?
  1. Citi Bank 
  2. Hong Kong Bank
  3. Standard Chartered Bank 
  4. Bank of America
30. Which colour/ colours of light has the highest velocity through vacuum ?
  1. Blue 
  2. Red
  3. Green 
  4. All of these
31. The 98th Indian Science Congress was held in 2011 at–
  1. Bhubaneswar 
  2. Bengaluru
  3. Bhopal 
  4. Chennai
32. The 34th National Games were held in 2011 in–
  1. Jharkhand 
  2. Uttarakhand
  3. Kerala 
  4. Karnataka
33. The iron and steel plant in Bihar is at–
  1. Vijay Nagar 
  2. Visakhapatnam
  3. Bokaro 
  4. Burnpur
34. The ultimate source of energy in a hydroelectric power station is–
  1. the electro-chemical energy of water 
  2. solar energy
  3. the potential energy of water 
  4. the kinetic energy of water
35. Union Carbide India Ltd. manufactured essentially–
  1. Leather goods 
  2. Heavy water
  3. Petrochemicals 
  4. Fertilisers
36. Photosynthetic vesicle found in bacteria is called a–
  1. Pneumatophore 
  2. Mesosome
  3. Chromatophore 
  4. Genophore
37. What type of mirror is used in a view finding mirror of a vehicle?
  1. Paraboloidal mirror 
  2. Convex mirror
  3. Plane mirror 
  4. Concave mirror
38. We receive sunlight on earth surface. What type of light beams are these ?
  1. Diverging 
  2. Random
  3. Parallel 
  4. Converging
39. Who is the author of the book 'Pakistan : Beyond the Crisis State' ?
  1. M.J. Akbar 
  2. Khuram Iqbal
  3. Maleeha Lodhi 
  4. Arnir Mir
40. The biggest planet in the solar system is–
  1. Uranus 
  2. Venus
  3. Jupiter 
  4. Saturn
41. The authority to specify which castes shall be deemed to be Scheduled Castes rests with the–
  1. Governor 
  2. Commissioner for Scheduled Castes and Tribes
  3. Prime Minister 
  4. President
42. Ram Sharan Sharma, who died in 2011 was an eminent–
  1. Archaeologist 
  2. Chemist
  3. Economist 
  4. Indologist
43. Of the following economists, whom do you consider to be the Master of "Partial Analysis" ?
  1. Lionel Robbins 
  2. Leon Walras
  3. Alfred Marshall 
  4. J.M. Keynes
44. Brain drain has been caused by–
  1. socio-economic instability. 
  2. failure to recognise talent in the originating country.
  3. the lure of high living standards. 
  4. lack of employment opportunities.
45. What is m-commerce ?
  1. marketing commerce 
  2. machine commerce
  3. mobile commerce 
  4. money commerce
46. The study of population is known as–
  1. Hydrology 
  2. Demography
  3. Climatology 
  4. Petrology
47. The prose collection of the vedic poems are–
  1. Brahmanas 
  2. Samhitas
  3. Upanishads 
  4. Aranyakas
48. A plant known only in cultivation having arisen under domestication is referred to as–
  1. Clone 
  2. Scion
  3. Cultigen 
  4. Cultivar
49. Who favoured the Artic Home theory of the Aryans ?
  1. Jacobi 
  2. Pargiter
  3. A.C. Das 
  4. B.G. Tilak
50. Wheat, Barley, Lemon, Orange, rye, and peamillet belong to–
  1. four plant families 
  2. the same plant family
  3. two plant families 
  4. three plant families


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