Steel Authority Of India Limited
Electrical Engineering Previous Years Solved Papers
26.Decibel is a
Steel Authority Of India Limited
Electrical Engineering Previous Years Solved Papers
- unit of voltage
- unit of power
- ratio of power
- none of these
- ratio of power
- unit of power
- unit of voltage
- none of these
- frequency
- impedance
- power ratio
- none of these
- velocity
- length
- acceleration
- none of these
- time
- length
- mass
- none of these
- the current will decrease the resistance
- the ohmmeter has its own battery
- no current is needed for meter movements
- none of these
- very high value
- very low value
- low value
- none of these
- high frequency a.c.
- low frequency a.c
- both d.c. and a.c
- direct current
- less than
- approximately equal to
- greater than
- none of these
- independent of
- directly proportional to
- inversely proportional to
- none of these
- high
- low
- very high
- none of these
- low
- very low
- high
- none of these
- moving – iron (attraction-types) ammeter
- moving – iron voltmeter
- permanent-magnet type ammeter
- induction-type ammeter
- only as an ammeter
- as a voltmeter
- both as voltmeter and ammeter
- none of these
- electrostatic voltmeter
- hot-wire voltmeter
- galvanometer
- potentiometer
- is inversely proportional to
- is directly proportional to
- does not depend on
- none of these
- is inversely proportional to
- is directly proportional to
- does not depend on
- none of these
- direct current
- alternating current
- both direct current and alternating current
- none of these
- tuned circuit
- crystal
- crystal as well as the tuned circuit
- none of these
- resistance
- capacitance
- inductance
- none of these
- capacitance
- inductance
- frequency
- none of these
- low
- very high
- high
- very low
- line within a particular zone
- line beyond a particular zone
- the whole transmission system
- none of these
- line
- generator
- transformer
- none of these
- True
- False
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