
Sunday, 10 November 2013

Madhya-Pradesh P.S.C. Examination : MPPSC Mains Geography Syllabus, download mppsc mains geography syllabus

Madhya-Pradesh P.S.C. Examination
MPPSC Mains Syllabus
MPPSC Mains Geography Syllabus

Geography ( Code No. 15 ) Paper - I

PART - I Physical Geography
1. Geomorphology
  • Origin of the Earth- Theories regarding the origin of the earth.
  • Earth’s crust- Origin of rocks, their types, Interior of the earth, Theories regarding the origin of continents and mountains, Agents of denudation- Weathering and Erosion, Work of running water, underground water, glacier, wind and oceanic waves. Earthquakes, Volcanoes and their world distribution.
  • Landforms- Mountains, Plateaus and Plains-types and their world distribution
2. Climatology
  • Atmosphere: Structure and composition of atmosphere,Vertical distribution of atmospheric layers and their characteristics.
  • Temperature: Horizontal distribution of temperature.
  • Pressure and wind system: Pressure belts of the globe, Types of winds and their distribution, local winds, jet stream, Air masses and Fronts, Cyclones and Anticyclones and their related weather.
  • Humidity, Condensation and Precipitation: Measurement of humidity in the air, Types of condensation and precipitation, Distribution of precipitation over the globe.
  • Classification of Climates: The general classification of world climate by Koppen and Thornthwaite.
3. Oceanography:
  • Relief features of the ocean beds, Origin of continental shelf,continental slope and basims , ocean deeps and ocean canyons.
  • Temperature and salinity of oceans- causes and regional variations.
  • Oceanic movements: Waves, Currents and Tide.
  • Marine deposits and Coral reefs: Source, types and distribution of marine deposits, Origin of coral reefs, important coral reefs of the world.
PART - II Geographical Concepts, Human & Economic Geography
1. New Trends in Geography
  • Concept of distance, space, region, rationalization and regionalism, Environmental sustainability.
2. Human Geography
  • Population- growth, density and distribution in the world, Population problems of the developed and developing countries.
  • Settlements: origin, types and pattern of rural settlements, Process of urbanization, Morphology and functional classification of towns.
3. Economic Geography
  • Geography of primary production: Agriculture-wheat, rice, sugarcane, tea, coffee, cotton, rubber. livestock and fisheries.
  • Minerals: world production and distribution of iron ore, manganese, tin, and bauxite.
  • Power Resources; world distribution of coal, petroleum, and hydroelectricity.
  • Industries: Iron and steel, Cotton textile and Petro chemical industry, Major industrial regions of the world.
  • Transport and Communication: Major land, sea and air routes of the world, Changes in the world economy in the context of globalization.

Geography (Code No.15) Paper - II

Geography of India with special reference to Madhya Pradesh
1. Physical Aspects
  • Geological history of Indian sub-continent, Physiographic divisions and drainage system, Physical divisions of Madhya Pradesh.
2. Climate
  • Temperature and pressure conditions, Origin and mechanism of Indian monsoon, Distribution of rainfall, Climatic regions, Distribution of rainfall and water scarcity areas of Madhya Pradesh.
3. Soils and Natural Vegetation
  • Soil types and their distribution, Forest types and their distribution. Problems of soil erosion in Madhya Pradesh, Forest resources of Madhya Pradesh.
4. Population and Settlements
  • Growth, density and distribution of population, Population policies of India. Tribes of Madhya Pradesh, Process of urbanization in India, Problems of Indian cities.
5. Economic Aspects
  • Agriculture - Major crops- their distribution and changing pattern. Contemporary issues of agricultural sector- Impact of green revolution,Market economy and globalization and its impact on agriculture pattern and changing trends in M.P.
  • Minerals and Power Resources - Distribution and production of Iron ore, Manganese, Bauxite, Mica, Coal, Petroleum and Hydroelectricity
  • Industries - Factors of localization and distribution of Iron and Steel, Cotton textile, Sugar and Cement industries . Emerging industrial areas of Madhya Pradesh.
  • Trade and Transport - Indian road and rail transport network. Changing pattern of Indian international trade.
  • Regional Development and Planning - Concept of regional imbalance and regional planning. Problems and planning of hill areas, drought prone areas & flood prone areas. Narmada valley development in Madhya Pradesh.


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