Madhya-Pradesh P.S.C. Examination
MPPSC Mains Syllabus
Criminology & Forensic Science Syllabus
Madhya-Pradesh P.S.C. Examination
MPPSC Mains Syllabus
Criminology & Forensic Science Syllabus
Criminology & Forensic Science Syllabus
Criminology & Forensic Science (Code No. 20) Paper – I
- Criminology - Definition and scope
- Crime trends in India (with reference to National Crime Records Bureau)
- Crimes against children (Nature, extent and legal provisions)
- Crimes against women (Nature, extent and legal provisions)
- Crimes against Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (Nature, extent and legal provisions)
- Preclassical theories of crime
- Classical theories of crime - Theories of hedonism and deterrence.
- Positive theories of crime - Constitutional and morphological theories, psychological and psychoanalytical theories.
- Sociological theories of crime - Differential Association and Anomie.
- Radical theories of crime - Labelling theory, etc .
- Punishment - Definition, theories and types
- Non-institutional treatment of offenders - Probation, temporary release and parole.
- Institutional treatment of offenders
- Prisons in India - organization, Type and functions
- Correctional services for jail inmates
- Juvenile institutional and non- institutional services
- Victims of crime and victim-compensation
- Crime prevention planning
Criminology & Forensic Science ( Code No 20) Paper-II
Criminology & Forensic Science ( Code No 20) Paper-II
- Fingerprints - Patterns and types, development, lifting, preservation and comparison.
- Foot & foot-wear prints -Importance,gait-pattern,preservation,lifting,casting & comparison
- Tyre and track marks - Importance, preservation and comparison.
- Questioned documents - Types and examination, procurement of control samples, alterations, charred documents, class and individual characteristics of hand-writing, typed, printed and photo-stat matters and their comparison, indented writing and its development, disguised writing, seal and rubber stamp.
- Firearms in criminal activities, classification, components of firearms, smooth-bore and rifled firearms, types and structure of cartridge, preservation and forensic examination of firearm, bullet and shell case. Gunshot residues, estimation of range of firing. Tool marks – Type, Identification and Comparative Study
- Poisons and toxicology - Definition, classification, types of poisoning, visceral samples for toxicological examinations, isolation and clean-up procedures, analysis of opiates, cannabis, dhatura, nuxvomica, ethyl alcohol, barbiturates insecticides, arsenic, mercury, lead and zinc.
- Composition and analysis of blood , semen , saliva, urine and hair.
- Composition and analysis of fibre , glass , paint , soil and cement
- Forensic evidence on clothes , bed linen , curtain & towel
- Death investigation - Types of death , medico-legal causes, determination of sex & age, post mortem procedure, post mortem changes.
- Wounds - Types and chacteristics , ante mortem and post mortem wounds.
- Scientific investigation of un natural deaths ( accidental , suicidal and homicidal ), sexual offences, arson and explosive cases.
- D.N.A. Profiling - Structure of D.N.A , D.N.A. as marker , methods of D.N.A. profiling , forensic applications.
- Polygraphy, narco-analysis and brain mapping as an investigating aids .
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