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Bharat Heavy Electrical Limited
Management Trainee
Electrical Engineering Questions
- A Hysteresis Motor runs at ____________:-Sync , Sub- Syn & Super Syn Speed
- In Synchronous Impedance method the regulation is__________:Higher than actual
- Octal 56 to Binary_______:-46
- Thyristor which is in forward blocking method will conduct if________:-Positive gate pulse to Cathode
- SC test of T/F will give __________:Copper losses
- 741 IC is an ____________:-Operational Amplifier
- For ideal Op amp _________:-Zin =infinite and Zout = 0
- Memory allocated for LIFO is ____________:-Stack
- A register which stores the address of the instruction to be executed is________ :- Program Counter
- MHO relay is a _______:-Directional Over current relay
- A directional relay has___________:-type of characteristics
- MC is used for __________:-measuring DC
- A Converter can be operate as inverter if ______________:-Full converter Commutation circuit also
- Coupling used when the shafts are not inline___________:-Universsal
- first Nuclear Power plant in India is ____________:-Tarapur
- Nuclear and Thermal are used as_________:-Base Load plants
- Which Plant has max No. of auxillaries___________:-Thermal
- In T/L to transfer max power______:----
- An Cascade amplifier has which type of intermediate stages__________:-CE-CB
- Syn M working @ UPF if Exc is increased it operates at___________:-Lead PF
- Current corresponding to max Efficiency in a T/f given Pi and R______________:-Sqr Rt of(Pi/R)
- SCR of an alternator is________:inversely proportional to Xs adjusted in P.U
- Input to Stator of I/M is 40 KW slip is 5% then Torque in Syn Watts when Stator Cu losses & Iron losses are Neg________________:-38 W
- Blocked Rotor Test givs ___________:-Cu losses
- N type impurity is_______________:-Phosphorous
- An Eg of Semi Conductor____________:-Germanium
- Cable insulation resistance is ______________:-inversely proportional to length
- Hand driven tools use_________:-Shaded pole induction motor
- Sinusoidal Pulse width Modulation what can be controlled ________:-freq , Volt & Harmonic
- A nullator is a _____________:-find out
- First law of Thermodynamics __________:-Q=dU+W
- In watches which type of oil is used__________:----
- S^2-5s+20/S^2+5S-20_______________________:-All pass or Band Eliminator
- In shafts for operating at high temp type of lubricant used is ___________:----
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