Steel Authority Of India Limited
Management Trainee
SAIL Chemical Engineering Papers
Q.1.Loss of heat from unlagged steam pipe to the ambient air is by
Steel Authority Of India Limited
Management Trainee
SAIL Chemical Engineering Papers
- conduction
- convection
- radiation
- all the above
- convection
- radiation
- conduction
- all the above
- isothermal
- non-isothermal
- both the above
- none of the above
- temperature distribution is independent of time
- temperature distribution is dependent on time
- heat flows in one direction only
- three dimensional heat flow is concerned
- Kcal/hr.m2 0C
- Kcal/hr.m. 0C
- Kcal/hr.m
- Kcal/hr.0C
- BTU/hr.ft2 0F
- BTU/hr.0F.ft.
- BTU/hr.0F
- BTU/hr.ft
- Rate = Driving force * Resistance
- Driving force = Rate * Resistance
- Resistance = Driving force * Rate
- Rate = Resistance/Driving force
- low thermal conductivity
- high thermal conductivity
- less resistance to heat flow
- a porous structure
- resistances in parallel
- capacitors in series
- resistances in series
- none of these
- average
- geometric mean
- product
- sum
- Brick
- Air
- Water
- Silver
- Logarithmic mean area
- Arithmetic mean area
- Geometric mean area
- None of these
- arithmetic
- logarithmic
- geometric
- none of these
- r1 - r2/ln r1/r2
- r1 - r2/ln r2/r1
- r2 - r1/ln r1/r2
- r1 - r2/ - ln r1/r2
- Cp.μ/k
- hD/k
- h.Cp/μ
- Cp.μ/h
- Cp.μ/a
- hD/k
- Cp.μ/k
- μ/h.Cp
- k/r.Cp
- r.Cp/k
- Cp.μ/a
- μ/hCp
- g D3. β .∆ tr2/μ2
- g D2β∆tr/μ2
- g D2β∆tr2μ
- g D3β∆tr2/μ
- always less than h1
- always between h1 and h2
- always higher than h2
- dependent on metal resistance
- mCp/kL
- kL/mCp
- mCp/kμ
- kL/mCp
- geometric mean temperature difference.
- arithmetic mean temperature difference.
- logarithmic mean temperature difference.
- the difference of average bulk temperatures of hot and cold fluids.
- Pe = Re.Pr
- Pe = Re/Pr
- Pe = Pr/Re
- Pe = Nu.Re
- Thermal diffusivity/ Momentum diffusivity
- thermal diffusivity x Momentum
- Thermal diffusivity x Mass diffusivity
- Mass diffusivity x Momentum diffusivity
- laminar
- turbulent
- creeping
- transition region
- length
- area
- volume
- none of these
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