Exam Name - Quantitative Aptitude
Subject Name - Time and Distance
Exam Type - Multiple Choice Questions
No Of Questions - 10
Subject Name - Time and Distance
Exam Type - Multiple Choice Questions
No Of Questions - 10
Question - 1: The ratio between the speeds of two trains is 7 : 8. If the second train runs 400 km in 4 hours, then the speed of the first train is ?
- 70 km/hr
- 75 km/hr
- 85 km/hr
- 87.5 km/hr
Question - 2: A boy goes to his school from his house at a speed of 3 km.hr and returns at a speed of 2 km/hr. If he takes 5 hours in going and coming, the distance between his house and school is ?
- 5 km
- 5.5 km
- 6 km
- 6.5 km
Question - 3: A is twice as fast as B and B is thrice as fast as C is. The journey covered by C in 54 minutes will be covered by B in ?
- 18 min
- 36 min
- 27 min
- 24 min
Question - 4:A Bus covers a distance of 550 meters in 1 minute whereas a car coves a distance of 33 km in 45 minutes. The ratio their speeds are ?
- 4:3
- 3:5
- 3:4
- 30:40
Question - 5:A good train and a passenger train are running on parallel tracks in the same direction. The driver of the goods train observes that the passenger train coming from behind overtakes and crosses his train completely in 60 sec. Whereas a passenger on the passenger train marks that he crosses the goods train in 40 sec. If the speeds of the trains be in the ratio 1:2. Find the ratio of their lengths ?
- 3 : 1
- 2 : 1
- 3 : 2
- 4 : 3
Question - 6:A man on tour travels first 160 km at 64 km/hr and the next 160 km at 80 km/hr. The average speed for the first 320 km of the tour is ?
- 35.55 km/hr
- 36 km/hr
- 71.11 km/hr
- 71 km/hr
Question - 7:An athlete runs 200 meters race in 24 seconds. His speed is ?
- 20 km/hr
- 24 km/hr
- 28.5 km/hr
- 30 km/hr
Question - 8:If a train runs at 40 kmph, it reaches its destination late by 11 minutes but if it runs at 50 kmph, it is late by 5 minutes only. The correct time for the train to complete its journey is ?
- 17 min
- 34 min
- 15 min
- 19 min
Question - 9:A motor car starts with the speed of 70 km/hr with its speed increasing every two hours by 2 km/hr. In how many hours will it cover 345 kms ?
- 9/2 hrs
- 4 hrs
- 5 hrs
- 4 hrs 5 min
Question - 10:A race course is 400 m long. A and B run a race and A wins by 5m. B and C run over the same course and B win by 4m. C and D run over it and D wins by 16m. If A and D run over it, then who would win and by how much ?
- D by 7.2 m
- A by 7.2 m
- A by 8.4 m
- D by 8.4 m
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