Question Paper-2007
Electrical Engineering
Q.1.In a D.C. generator, if the brushes are given a small amount of forward shift, the effect of armature is- Totally demagnetizing
- Totally magnetizing
- Partly demagnetizing and partly cross magnetizing
- Totally cross magnetizing
- To get a stronger magnetic field
- To improve the air circulation
- To reach the higher speed of rotation
- To make the rotation easier.
- Both operates at same voltage
- Both have same back emf
- Both have same speed
- both have same excitation
- Reversing the field polarity
- Reversing the armature polarity
- Reversing both the armature and field polarity
- Connecting a resistance across the armature.
- Insulation and cooling
- Cooling and lubrication
- Lubrication and insulation
- Insulation, cooling and lubrication
- Reducing the magnetizing current to the minimum
- Reducing the reluctance of the iron core to the minimum
- Reducing the number of primary and secondary turn to the minimum
- Sectionalizing and interleaving the primary and secondary windings
- Electrically
- Electro Magnetically
- Magnetically
- Physically
- Star- Delta connection
- Delta- Delta connection
- Delta- Star connection
- Star- Star connection
- Unity power factor
- Leading power factor
- Lagging power factor
- Either lagging or leading power factor
- Armature handles very large currents and high voltages
- Armature friction involving deep slots to accommodate large coils is easy if armature is kept stationary
- Ease of cooling the stator than rotor
- None of the above.
- Angle between the rotating stator flux and rotor poles
- Angle between the magnetizing current and back emf
- Angle between the supply voltage and back emf
- None of the above
- On no load and without loss
- On constantly varying load
- On pulsating load
- On high load and variable supply voltage
- Number of poles
- Supply frequency
- Both (a) and (b)
- Neither (a) nor (b)
- Slip rings
- Overheating of winding
- Non uniform of air gap
- Rigid construction
- Zero starting torque
- Very small starting torque
- Medium starting torque
- Very high starting torque
- Synchronous motor
- Repulsion - start induction motor
- Transformer with a shorted secondary
- Capacitor - start, induction - run motor
- D.C. shunt motor
- D.C. series motor
- A.C. motor
- None of the above
- Universal motor
- Repulsion motor
- Hysteresis motor
- Reluctance motor
- Switch yard
- Transformers
- Alternators
- Transmission lines
- Mechanical braking
- Electro - pneumatic braking
- Vacuum braking system
- All the above
- Expedite the generation of triggering pulses
- Delay the generation of triggering pulses
- Provide a constant voltage to UJT to prevent erratic firing
- Provide a variable voltage to UJT as the source voltage changes
- Firing angle and load resistance
- Firing angle and supply frequency
- Firing angle and load inductance
- Only on load circuit parameters
- Forward current rating
- Break - over voltage
- Holding current
- Latching
- Similar to CE with linear and saturation region
- Similar to FET with a linear and pinch of region
- Similar to tunnel diode in some respects
- Linear between the peak point and valley point
- DC
- AC
- AC & DC both
- Neither AC not DC
- Tube light
- Electric heater
- Mobile phone
- Rectifier module
- rods or piper
- stripes
- plates
- any of above
- DC generators only
- AC generators only
- Both AC & DC generation
- None of above
- Copper loss
- Eddy current loss
- Flux loss
- None
- Cooling coil
- Condenser
- Compressor
- Expansion valve
- R/X
- R/Z
- Z/R
- Zero
- Switch
- Transformer
- Amplifier
- None of above
- More
- Less
- Constant
- None of above
- Current transformer
- Potential transformer
- Micro transformer
- None of above
- halved
- doubled
- remain constant
- none of above
- 2 Amp
- 50 Amp
- 5 Amp
- ½ Amp
- Voltage
- Current
- Frequency
- None of these
proportional to:
- speed
- square of speed
- cube of speed
- none of these
- no load current
- air gap
- winding resistance
- all of the above
- -5%
- +5%
- -10%
- +10%
- square wave inverter
- sine wave inverter
- pure sine wave inverter
- triangular wave inverter
- a synchronous motor
- a hydraulic motor
- an induction motor
- a dc series motor
- 2 point starter
- 3 point starter
- 4 point starter
- 5 point starter
- AC to DC
- DC to AC
- Both AC to DC and DC to AC
- None of these
- leakage reactance
- pu impedance
- efficiency
- rating
- the ampere capacity of the service wires
- the atmospheric conditions
- the voltage of service wires
- none of these
- to limit the short circuit fault current
- to provide path to high voltage surge to earth
- to reduce arcing
- none of these
- high impedance to normal voltage
- low impedance to surge
- both (a) and (b)
- none of these
- voltage fluctuation
- overloading
- danger of electric shock
- high temperature of conductors
- protect the appliance
- open the circuit
- prevent excessive current
- protect the line
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